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Natural Pregnacy Conception

Improved Sperm Development

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss or Miscarriage

Acupuncture during IVF

Irregular or Painful Periods


Poly Cystic Ovaries

Gestational Diabetes

Pregnancy Health Pregnancy Induction

First and Second Stage Labour Treatment



The British Medical Journal published a review in 2008 outlining the affects of acupuncture during fertility treatment and found that genuine acupuncture had increased women's chances of pregnancy by 65%.


London and Kent Acupuncture are unique in providing acupuncture during your IVF cycle, immediately before and after your Embryo Transfer at the prestigious Boston Place Clinic in London.

We specialise in providing acupuncture to enhance your pregnancy outcomes and provide treatment alongside your IVF treatment in Kent and London.   




More and more couples are looking for alternative ways to help enhance their health and wellbeing to achieve conception naturally. There are many reasons for infertility that effect both men and women and natural medicine is a great alternative to help address and enhance your chances of conception. 



Acupuncture is amazingly valuable during pregnancy for maintaining the health of mother and baby. 


Acupuncture is used for pregnancies gone beyond their due date as it helps induce a natural labour.

It can be common medical practice for a woman past her due date to be given either a cesarean section or being induced with the drug pitocin. Neither of these are desirable options for any mother to be, as they present more risks and side-effects. Pitocin forces the body into labour whether it is ready or not.


Acupuncture is a great alternative. It is safe and encourages the body to go into a natural labour. Acupuncture points that are deliberately avoided during the 9 months of pregnancy, are used freely to encourage uterine contraction and thus labour. Acupuncture for labour induction can also help calm and reduce anxiety to facilitate a healthy delivery.



London and Kent Acupuncture treat women with many different symptoms and conditions with acupuncture to help manage and reduce symptoms such as painful periods, hot flushes and night sweats, meanstrual headaches, mood swings , hormone imblance endometreosis, poly cystic ovary syndrome and much more. Contact us to see how we can help you:











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